Vidyasagar Dr. Vishnu Ramchandra Parnerkar
Name : Vidyasagar Dr. Vishnu Ramchandra Parnerkar
Date of Birth : 29th June, 1939
Place of Birth : Amalner, Dist. Jalgaon (Mah)
Education : MA (English), MA (Economics) , LLM, Vidyasagar
Primary Education : Indore
Middle School : Indore & Nashik
Higher Education : Indore
Professional : For 30 years(1962-91) Legal Practitioner at Indore Highcourt, MP
Ex. Professor, Holkar Collage,Indore
Ex President of Bar Association
Passion : Veda, Music, Sports and Education
Every Year, an eminent Vedic Scholar is honored in Poornawad Mahotsav at Parner
A number of contemporary classical vocalists and maestros (from ‘who’s who in music’) has considered
it as a privilege for having rendered their
Seva at Parner Guru Peeth. Excelled in Malla Khamb and Tennis and bought laurels for
Malla Khamb at National Level. He also excelled in chess.
Has started schools and colleges to train and create citizen for a strong India
Forceful Speaker : A forceful speaker, has delivered thousands of lectures on scio-economic and socio-spiritual
topics across India and several countries like US, Canada, Australia, Mauritius, Singapore, UAE and Germany etc.
Conscientious Citizen : While practicing law, actively associated with social organizations in the fields of sports, banking and Vedic learning.
His stint in journalism motivated him to start a periodical – “Yuvak Kranti” is in its 50th year now.

Philosophy & Spirituality : After Dr. Ramchandra Parnerkar left for heavenly abode, the mantle of Masterhood
devolved on him in 1980. His unstinted efforts have seen grow Poornawad through length and breadth of India,
Australia, Canada, Mauritious and US. A Global Spiritual Master in his own right has established over two hundred
centers globally to encourage his followers to adopt Life Management Philosophy : Poornawad propounded by his illustrious father
Dr. Ramchandra Parnerkar an eminent Contemporary Philosopher.
Intuitional Science :
Dr. Parnekar is keen to spread awareness and establish the Science of Intuitional Power and its application in common man’s life.
He mentors team of research associates who are working in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Intuitional Science and promotes
responsible AI and Intuitional Science Practices through SPIRIT Foundation.
Institution Builder :
His unflinching faith in Poornawad Doctrine is the need of the humankind today. He has created many institutions in the field of education,
banking, personality development and spiritual practices. To name a few :
- Poornawad Yuva Forum
- Shivram Pratishtaan
- Poornavad Political Academy
- Poornakanya Pratishthan
- Poornawadi Nari Forum
- Poornawadi Senior Citizens’ Forum
- Shree Parnekar Institute for Research, Innovation and Technology Foundation (SPIRIT Foundation)
- School and College at Washivali, Manjarsumba and Hingani in Maharashtra
- Poornawadi Bank
- Dr. Parnerkar Legal Education and Research Society and many more..